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🗞️ The fastest energy change in history is underway

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clean energy

After securing $950 million in funding, New York is getting its largest solar farm — and it’s set to come online next year

A clean energy investment company secured $950 million to build New York’s largest solar farm, which will sit on 2,500 acres east of Buffalo.

Construction has already begun on the massive project, and when completed and online in 2026, it’s expected to generate enough energy to power around 120,000 households in the state every year.

It’s part of a larger statewide goal of sourcing at least 70% of all its energy from renewable sources by 2030. This project is one of 23 larger clean energy projects approved by the state. Currently, it has enough solar capacity to power more than 1 million homes in the state.

Why is this good news? This is another massive step the state is taking to not only reach its clean energy goals — but to do its part to move the country toward an emissions-free future, which will ultimately help limit global warming, save lives, and result in cleaner air and healthier communities.

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More Good News

Collaborations between nonprofits, police departments, and local governments, cities across the U.S. are experimenting with ID programs to help residents access basic services. For immigrants, the unhoused, and others, not having an ID means you can’t open a bank account, you can’t drive, and you may hesitate to report crimes to law enforcement.

Researchers at Washington State University created a plant-based substitute made from pine for plastic foams. The innovation could lead to more environmentally friendly versions of foams used ubiquitously in products such as kitchen sponges, foam cushions, coatings, adhesives, packaging, and insulation.

Experts are celebrating the revival of a rare butterfly species 50 years after it disappeared. In England, chequered skippers died out in 1976 because of changes in woodland management — now, they’re thriving thanks to a successful breeding and reintroduction program.

Good Progress

Solar and wind capacity are being installed five times faster than all other new electricity sources combined

The “fastest energy change in history,” new solar power generation capacity around the world was installed 100 times faster than nuclear capacity — new wind, 25 times faster.

That’s from a new report from the International Solar Energy Society, which also detailed how electricity generation from coal and gas has not only been stagnant since 2001, it likely peaked in 2023.

If current growth rates continue, it predicts that by 2032, there will be more global solar and wind generation than coal and gas — combined.

It found that “almost all growth in electricity demand is being met by solar and wind” — and the two are being installed five times faster than all other new electricity sources combined.

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More Good bits

🛏️ Temporary 3D-printed housing is helping unhoused people in California — and wherever else it’s needed.

🐶 The countdown to the Super Bowl is on, but we’re just here for the actual main event.

⌚️ E-waste is a major issue, but maybe not for long when it comes to textiles.

🛳️ Cruising to visit Nice is not so nice.

🍕 Eat pizza, donate to charity: It’s just good business.

What’s good?

So many of you replied with feedback yesterday — thank you! I’m still getting through emails, but will affirm: you will always open your Goodnewsletter to read good news, good progress, and the best ways to take good action to make the world a better place.

Some of you also appreciated that when we share a “current event” that’s maybe not-so-good, we include a good update (like we did at the top of yesterday’s email), or some way to get involved and make a difference — we’re thrilled to hear that, too.

Which good news story did you enjoy reading most today?

I really appreciate your feedback, truly!

— Megan

The Goodnewsletter is created by Good Good Good.

Good Good Good shares stories and tools designed to leave you feeling more hopeful, less overwhelmed, and ready to make a difference.

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This Goodnewsletter was edited by Megan Burns and Branden Harvey.

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