Iowa’s first hotel conversion to supportive housing for chronically homeless residents is opening next month
In Des Moines, Iowa, a former Days Inn is in its final stages of renovation and will soon reopen as The Monarch Apartments: an affordable housing project with supportive services for adults and couples recovering from chronic homelessness.
It will be the first “hotel conversion to Permanent Supportive Housing” in the state and it will also have 24-hour on-site supportive services like case managers, live-in peer staff, and more.
Future residents of the apartments’ 40 fully-furnished units will be referred by Primary Health Care, the county’s entry point for people who are unsheltered, meaning they don’t have a place to sleep at night.
Why is this good news? Built on the Housing First model, The Monarch Apartments aims to meet people’s immediate needs, so they can go on to take care of the other challenges in their lives: “Housing is hope, and housing is healthcare, and housing is the foundation for people being able to do more with their lives on an every-single-day basis.”
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Efficient, emission-free heat pumps outsold gas furnaces in the U.S. by a larger margin than ever last year
During the first 11 months of 2024, people in the U.S. bought 37% more air-source heat pumps than gas furnaces, the second-most popular heating appliance.
That figure shatters the 21% lead heat pumps had in 2023.
While it’s important to note that sometimes multiple heat pumps are required to replace a single fossil fuel-powered appliance, the figures still show a clear momentum for the “greener” alternative — and it’s no surprise why.
Essentially two-way air conditioners that can both heat and cool, electric heat pumps have comfort, climate, and health benefits. They are three to four times as efficient as fossil fuel alternatives, are one of the most effective ways an individual can reduce emissions, and can save money.
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