Black History Month officially starts tomorrow — we collected some ways to celebrate with care and intentionality this year. More below!
Photo: Calgary Tower
Startups are turning empty office buildings into vertical farms in cities around the world
Canada’s iconic Calgary Tower is now home to a 65,000-square-foot vertical indoor farm, producing crops like strawberries, kale, and cucumber. Similar farms have popped up in Japan, Singapore, and Dubai.
On vertical indoor farms, foods can grow in climate-controlled environments, which is doubly important in light of severe weather events intensified by climate change impacting weather patterns and crop yields.
In places like the U.S., where the office vacancy rate is more than 20%, farms are a solution for landlords who need to fill space. One is in the works in Texas, another opened in Ohio, and there’s now a 200,000-square-foot farm inside a former commercial building in Kentucky.
Why is this good news? The indoor farming movement has been (pardon the pun) growing for years, but when the pandemic disrupted global supply chains, it heightened the need for new, local solutions. And now, the pandemic has also resulted in as many as one in four office spaces left vacant in some cities. Indoor farming offers a solution to both problems.
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Using upcycled Carhartt fabric and car insulation, water-resistant coats transform into sleeping bags for homeless folks (and they’re manufactured by formerly homeless folks, too)
Black History Month starts tomorrow — intentionally celebrate all month long
Black History Month starts tomorrow! While we don’t need an awareness holiday to embrace and honor Black history, this month is an opportunity to reconcile with the past, pave the way for a more just future, and celebrate all the amazing figures in Black history.
The truth is, many of us are unaware of the depth, breadth, and relevance of Black history — it’s also difficult for us to comprehend just how recently so much of Black history has taken place.
“This is our national truth: America would not be America without the wealth from Black labor, without Black striving, Black ingenuity, Black resistance.”
This week’s most-clicked good news story was the one about California’s innovative homeless campus that’s a “heck of a lot cheaper than letting someone stay unsheltered.”
What’s been your favorite good news from this week?
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